Dion has used his remarkable drawing skills to communicate his daily experiences with others. Many hours of the day or night are spent by Dion drawing and redrawing his favourite dogs. Some of their exploits from many years ago are patiently recreated by Dion. All features of the dogs are accurately reproduced, and particular care taken with precise colourings. A motorized scooter provides Dion (who has Muscular dystrophy) with the independence to travel around Tennant Creek on his own. He delights in daily visits to a community where many of his much-loved dogs wait patiently for a titbit of meat. Many hours are spent sitting and watching the dogs and their interaction with one another, resulting in inspiration for further art pieces.
Dion also spends time making 3D models of small community areas and hundreds of cut-out paper dogs. Dion loves swimming and travelling and has visited most capital cities in Australia. He has great plans for the future and would love to visit Africa to see all the exotic animals, which would provide great inspiration for his art work. Dion has a great sense of humour, is creative and ever curious about the world around him, dogs play an integral part of community life.
The dimensions provided do not include the tail!