Bindi Mwerre Anthurre Artists


Bindi Enterprises has been operating as an employment and community access provider in Alice Springs since 1978. The centre was established by parents of people living with disability to address the lack of employment and community engagement opportunities for those marginalised by mainstream workforces. Today, Bindi Enterprises continues to do this within three departments; The Contracts Department, the Bindi Workshop and the Bindi Mwerre Anthurre Artists.

Bindi also provides community participation options for individuals to develop skills in a range of art and craft, work practices, commercial industries and independent living skills.

These services are complemented by tailored case management to enhance outcomes for people. This involves liaising with relevant service providers and fielding transitions into meaningful employment.


Tjulpu Kutjara Nyinanyi Punungka Nyanganyi (Two Birds Sitting in Tree Looking)
Bindi Mwerre Anthurre Artists
  • $495.00