Alison Puruntatameri






Date of Birth:   25/11/1984
Mother’s Country: Yapalika, Melville Island
Father’s Country: Biranybira, Biranybirany, North East Arnhem
Dreaming: Jarrikalani (Turtle)

Alison has grown up in Pirlangimpi Community on Melville Island which is the big island of the Tiwi’s. She went to the local school and worked in child care. Alison has one daughter, Anette Orsto, known locally as Sugar Plum. She is a great favourite at the art centre studio where Alison paints with her mother Paulina (Jedda) sharing the care of Sugar while one or the other paints. Alison’s grandfather, Justin Puruntatameri (dec) a senior law man knew all the songs and remembered visits by the Macassans as a boy. He told Alison she should have a go at painting- she would listen to his stories of his paintings at the art centre and in the village. He used to take the family hunting when she was little.

Alison started painting with Munupi Arts in late 2011.


Jilamara Design - 2014
Alison Puruntatameri
  • $995.00